Michael Stuhr, P.E.
Mike was the Director of the Portland Water Bureau for 5 years. Previously, Mike served as the bureau’s Chief Engineer for 10 years and group director of the construction and maintenance department for 2 years. Before his service in Oregon, Mike was a consultant in Sacramento for seven years working on flood control, hazardous waste remediation and wetlands restoration. Mike was also the deputy district engineer for civil works for Sacramento District working with many communities in central California. In the course of his duties, Mike worked with the Water Resources Board Control Board, Cal EPA, the Reclamation Board, CalTrans, and the Department of Water Resources. Mike is known for working collaboratively with elected officials, regulators, and wholesale customers.
Key Competencies: All aspects of the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of water facilities; seismic resilience of water facilities; finance and rate setting; watershed management; emergency management; security and vulnerability assessments; community and water system resilience. Received the American Society of Civil Engineers Le Val Lund Award for Practicing Lifeline Risk Reduction for 2021.