Moonshot Missions sends expert utility advisors into the field to assess conditions and identify, select, and develop technically and financially sound projects that deliver clean water at an affordable cost to protect public health and the environment and support economic and community revitalization.

It was my first month serving as general manager for DC WASA. I panicked in 2009 as I watched a crew repairing a pipe that was a century old, looking at printed maps stained from years of use and wondering who would talk to angry customers. I witnessed why many see water as a threat – dirty drinking water, sewer backups, dangerous floods – managed by crumbling systems.
I knew that the scale of change was a “moonshot.” Yet I also recognized the impact that water has on every living organism, person and job on the planet. That realization sparked my journey with DC Water to
transform the organization.
The journey that followed, including rebranding to DC Water, is inspiring. Today, crews arrive in modern trucks with maps on iPads, video sensors that can diagnose problems - while customers receive updates through social media. Old pipes are being replaced, energy conserved, costs reduced, and revenue generated by new approaches.

My passion is to help other water utilities achieve a similar moonshot. I fervently believe that utilities in underserved communities will benefit most from these improvements, yet may have the most difficulty implementing them due to resource constraints.
That is where Moonshot Missions can help. I am joined by a motivated team of utility veterans, including Andy Kricun, the former Chief Executive of the Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority. He too stood at the precipice, responsible for an agency hobbled by poor performance and poorer financial results. Through a brilliant series of steps, Andy pulled off his moonshot – improving every performance measure while reducing rates in real terms by 40%.
We start early, go late, and will not stop in our enthusiasm to help good people realize their dreams.
George Hawkins
Founder of Moonshot Missions
Former CEO, DC Water
Moonshot Missions serves as a trusted peer advisor for communities to secure safe, accessible, and affordable drinking water and clean waterways, regardless of zip code.

The Moonshot business model is based on collaborative peer-to-peer advisory services. Our team, comprised of water professionals with over 500 years of collective experience, practices humble listening with local leaders to learn about key challenges and hopes. Working on-site, we help them discover, assess, select and implement new strategies – often including new technologies – that improve performance and frequently reduce costs or generate new revenues.
“Working together, we will reach your Moonshot!” George Hawkins, Founder & CEO